Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Holy Bible - The Nature of God in Genesis

The Nature of God in Genesisnbsp;nbsp; The depiction of God in the Bible’s story of creation, namely Genesis, brings to mind the image of an omnipotent, almighty and all-powerful child playing in a sandbox. Like a child his sole purpose seems to be to simply amuse himself, and possibly acquire a source of unconditional love. These needs are in contrast to the classic view of God acting with the idea of an ultimate plan. His actions clearly show that there is no perfect plan, or if there is it must be grossly overcomplicated. Consistently God makes poor decisions, and then eventually acts to fix the situation. The whole scenario conjures up an image of the crew of Apollo 13, alternately breaking things and then patching it together†¦show more content†¦Adam and Eve, as we all know, of course disappoint him. The avid church going individual will ask â€Å"Didn’t God know this was going to happen, being omnipotent and all?† This is the first contradiction to the assumption that God is acting wit h a plan. It seems more likely that he is acting out willy-nilly to fulfill whatever desire strikes his fancy. It is also the first example of mankind evolving by explicitly ignoring God, which I’ll come back to later. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; At this juncture, God has to modify his plans a little. Mankind will not, as he had hoped, go on living forever in ignorance and worship. So he concedes the loss and kicks Adam and Eve out of the garden. He still needs someone to confirm his greatness however, and so mankind will now operate essentially on its own in the world, and with free will. They will still be required to worship him, or receive punishment for disobedience. If all the events up until this point have been acting in accordance with some perfect plan, why then did God not just start out with Adam and Eve in the outside world, with free will? Wouldn’t it be easier to just jump from point A to point E, and just skip B, C and D? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The cycle repeats itself with Adam’s sons, Cain and Abel. Cain is the first farmer, and both he and his brother toil to produce a sacrifice for their master. 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